
I’m Nervous About My Upcoming Root Canal

Sep 01, 2023
I’m Nervous About My Upcoming Root Canal
Sometimes a root canal procedure is the only way to save your tooth, resolve your pain, and prevent an infection from spreading. It’s normal to feel nervous about an upcoming root canal, but the procedure itself is simple and pain-free.

Root canals are tubes in the inner portion of your tooth that run down through the roots, carrying tender and important nerves. When your root canals become infected, those nerves send out intense pain signals. 

Root canals are a commonly performed procedure that have saved innumerable teeth. They also permanently resolve the excruciating pain of a decayed, infected tooth.

Even though root canal procedures have a reputation as being painful, the opposite is true. In the past, cleaning and disinfecting root canals was, indeed, complicated and potentially painful. However, today’s dentistry has revolutionized the procedure. Sedation dentistry plus improved technology have made root canal procedures effective, quick, and pain-free.

At Affordable Dental East, our expert dentist, Ben Mohrman, DDS, advises root canals when your tooth is healthy enough to save. Saving your tooth is a much safer, simpler, and healthier alternative to extracting a decayed or infected tooth.

If you still feel anxious about your upcoming root canal, you’re not alone. Dental anxiety is common. However, the more you know about your root canal, the more you can relax and be confident that it will resolve your pain, not cause more.

First, we prep you for your root canal

When Dr. Mohrman advises a root canal, you’re probably already in a lot of pain. Your tooth is decayed and infected. Your gums may be inflamed. Root canals eliminate your symptoms, prevent the spread of infection, and save your tooth from extraction.

Before your root canal procedure, we administer an anesthetic to numb your tooth nerves. We insert a small, temporary dental dam that keeps saliva from touching your infected tooth during your procedure. 

If you’re anxious, we recommend sedation dentistry, which not only eliminates pain, but also makes you feel calm. You can choose from nitrous oxide (i.e., laughing gas), an oral sedative, or an injected sedative. Each option lets you feel calm, relaxed, and comfortable.

Next, we perform clean and stabilize your tooth

Then, Dr. Mohrman opens the tooth to gain access to the infected pulp inside your tooth. He then uses suction to remove the infected material and bacteria from inside your diseased tooth and root canals. He cleans and sanitizes your tooth, then fills it with a sterile rubbery substance for stability.

After Dr. Mohrman seals your tooth, he may apply a dental crown to further stabilize it. The root canal procedure weakens your tooth by removing the live inner material that became infected. Therefore, you may require extra protection. We let you know if you’d benefit from a crown and whether you should get it directly after your root canal or later.

Finally, your tooth pain is gone

Don’t avoid the dentist because you’re nervous about a root canal. The procedure doesn’t cause pain; it alleviates the pain caused by an infected, inflamed tooth. A root canal also allows your dentist to save your natural tooth and restore your oral health. 

Do you have a painful tooth that can be saved by a root canal? To request an evaluation and appointment, call our friendly office staff or book online.